Thankful Thursdays

Introducing: Thankful Thursdays

I’ve read more than once now that gratitude can increase happiness. Maintaining and updating a list of all you’re grateful for can be effective in realising what you have, and then setting goals to grow these areas even further. It can energise and inspire. It helps you get to your ideal state, which, besides being awesome in and of itself, can help you achieve peak performance at whatever it is you need to do.

The mechanics of how it works deserves its own post, and I admittedly have to brush up on it myself before I can do that. Either way, making such a list has been something I’ve been meaning to do for a while. I have, in fact, started it, but updating it never became a habit. So what better way to do that than to make it public for the world to see?

Every Thursday, I’ll post about one thing I’m grateful for. Some things might be general, like having had a great childhood. Others might be ultra-specific, like my ultra-realistic old man mask and the fun times I had with it. Whatever I write about, I aim to go into as much depth as I can. Why am I thankful for it? How does it improve my life?

In case you find it hard to think of things you’re grateful for, I hope this series inspires you as to just how you can frame almost anything in a positive light. And perhaps, by writing about these things, I’ll be that much happier myself.

So keep your eyes peeled for next week, where I’ll dedicate a post to a trusty companion I’ve had for nearly 10 years: My wacky-ass prism glasses.

Until then, dear reader, what are you grateful for?

2 replies on “Introducing: Thankful Thursdays”

[…] The list goes on. I’m not trying to show off, I know that not everyone has all of these things. But I have friends who are lucky in almost all the same ways, and yet they were miserable during lockdown. It’s not about each thing, but being thankful for what you do have – your list might look very different. Realising what you have, and drawing strength from that, makes it so much easier to act out of love and kindness, and not out of desperation or despair. And being grateful helped me help others. […]

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