
I want you to be happy.

If you want that too, and are willing to invest some time and effort into that, LudeMood is the place for you.

I will personally guide you through all kinds of steps you can take to be happier now than you were yesterday.

I will do all I can to help you, but there’s one thing you must do, if you want this to work. You have to take responsibility for your own happiness.

Maybe that sounds scary, or annoying, because you have to do some work. But you know what? It’s fucking awesome, because nobody and no situation can take that away from you.

Am I saying you can remain happy when a hurricane destroys your home? Of course not. But for everyday life, follow certain principles and practice certain habits, and you’ll be in a secure, good place.

I had some trouble adjusting to lockdown. I felt shit for a while. I soon realised what I was missing, so I found new ways to keep up old habits and I discovered new and improved habits. I’ve never felt better.

But I see many of my friends still struggling, waiting for it all to be over. And that’s why I started this blog. Don’t be happy “when”. Be happy now. It’s in your hands.

WTF does “LudeMood” mean?

Lude = ludicrous. It’s how the cool kids say it.

Mood = mood. That’s also how the cool kids say it, because that’s how everyone says it.

I want to get your average mood from wherever it is now to a ludicrously good state.

Clever? Probably not. But the clever domain names were all taken, so I had to make do.

Who am I?

I’m a ginger German who lives in Melbourne. I’m also a happy dude who tends to be in a good mood. 

I didn’t always feel this good, but through a variety of habits and actions, I improved my mood, one step at a time.

There’s nothing remarkable about me. I’m just thankful I got to learn ways to feel great through a mix of experience and research. And I want to share those with you.

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